Thursday, July 3, 2014

2nd dose of Titus

In today's society, there are lots of traits that are now considered old fashioned, or not even necessary. But I believe there is no such thing. Common courtesy and respect is no longer a requirement in many households. Kids act as if they are entitled to everything the world has to offer. Which is partially ok, they should believe that they can have or do anything they want in this world....but there's a big IF at the end of that statement....IF they are willing to work for it, and IF they are willing to live by God's ways.  You can't just do whatever you want, and act however you want, and then get everything you feel like you deserve. It just doesn't work that way. "What goes around comes around" are "you get what you give" and "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" have all been around forever, but in my mind still ring true today.

In Titus 2, Paul mentions many of these traits that seem to go more and more by the wayside every day. Let's take a look at a few that really jumped off the page to me....

Verse 2 talks about 2 that are HUGE in my opinion....self-control and being worthy of respect. Real zingers, right?! If more people acted with self control in today's world, what a different place it would be. I try to instill in our girls the idea that they shouldn't need me to always say "that's not a good idea". At a certain point they should be able to say, I beat this is a bad idea, maybe I shouldn't do that. And they are starting to understand that. They're not prefect, they make mistakes and need reminding, but they are learning. It amazes me how many adults can't say the same. Having self control could literally change the world. Knowing their own hot buttons and then realizing how to avoid them could greatly affect someone's life. Don't you think? Exercising self control is not in the normal human nature though. It has to be a conscious choice that we make every day. Deserving respect sort of goes hand in hand with that, doesn't it? A friend of mine used to always tell their kids "act like you are somebody". If you want respect, act like you are the type of person who deserves it. Bottom line is be someone who gives respect to be worthy of respect. Are you always going to get it back in return from the person you gave it to? Nope, but so what, doesn't matter, you should still give it. Act like you deserve the respect you desire by showing it to everyone you come in contact with.

Paul then talks about how the older woman should take younger women under their wings. To teach them how to live a life that is worthy and honors God. To show them how to love their husbands and their children in the right way. How to take care of their homes, and their families, and to not bring shame on the word of God. Does this happen today? I don't think it does. Everyone is so "busy", we always seem to miss out on what I believe should be a huge part of our churches today. We use the term "church family" very freely, but do we really live that way? Church should be a place where we can all learn from each other, and not just on Sunday, and not just about church stuff. People know how to behave in church....they need to know what to do the rest of the week! When you get home and the kids start acting like they have lost their minds, that's when you need to know how to act, how to still be a Christian mother and wife. You need someone to show you how to be able to still be salt and light in your household when you feel like the walls are caving in and everyone in your house has gone completely bonkers!  Church is about every day relationships, not just corporate worship on Sunday morning.  So many women are longing for someone to just come along side of them, to stand in the gap with them, to support them, to show them the way. If we are going to say this is our church family, then we have to start acting like we truly mean it. Verse 7 says it very clearly, "be an example to them by doing good works of EVERY kind".

Look at part of verse 12 & 13 with me, "We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, while we look foward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed." (NLT)  If I choose to live with wisdom (knowing better) and righteousness (doing what's right) and devotion to God (being worthy of His Word), how many others could I reach for Christ with my example? By just being who I am called to be?

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