Saturday, July 5, 2014

I don't want to be unproductive

There was one verse that just jumped off the page to me today in Titus 3. Take a look with me at verse 14...
"Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others; then they will not be unproductive." (NLT)

If I'm not doing something that will benefit someone else, then according to this verse I am then not being productive.  So when we sit around on our behinds at church, being comfortable, singing the same old songs, and staying with just us four and no more...we're not being all we are called to be.

So many people run to the government for help when they are in need...THAT'S WHAT THE CHURCH SHOULD BE FOR!!! Being the church is not about a service on Sunday morning, it's about DOING something for the kingdom the rest of the week.  There are so many options, how can we not find one thing that we can do for our community.

Volunteer at a local food pantry.
Do a donation drive for a local non profit.
Give an offering to a charity.
Be a mentor.
Volunteer at a school.
Help clean up a neighbor's yard.
Cook a meal for a family in need.

Just get involved. Be a resource. Be available. Don't be too busy to be helpful.

NIV version says all should "devote themselves to doing what is good"....and what is better than showing other people the love of Christ?? In the end that's what it's all about...not a meal, or a roll of toilet paper, an hour of your time, or an afternoon of's just about loving on His children.

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