Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Back in the saddle

So for a while I have felt the gentle tug to start writing again. Even felt a slight nudge to start with a few blogs about the book of Titus. Been then today I got the swift kick in the bootie to get started. I went to have lunch with Dean today, and walked into his office. Meet a very nice lady that I knew of by name, but never met her face to face. The first thing she said when Dean introduced me was how much she loved reading my blog, and hadn't been able to read it in a while. The Holy Spirit really convicted me about not writing and sharing in a long here I am. :) My entire goal is to show other women that we can make mistakes, have a hard time, even get mad, but at the end of the day we still have an unconditional love from God that can ease all our hearth aches, fears, and pains. So here we go again.....

There are soooo many good nuggets to talk about just in the first few verses of Titus!!! There's one main point to the entire chapter, but here are a few little aside points that I gotta mention first (and I won't even charge you extra. LOL!)

In the very first few words in the NLT version, Paul says he is "a slave of God". Oh wow! Isn't that an awesome thought? I have to say I don't always put myself in that position with God, even if I want to. To do whatever He says, whenever He says, however He says to do it. I would love to be so in tune with His voice that I could even attempt to do that. Then to be willing to do it no questions asked. Not going to lie, that's a toughie.
Then in verse 2, Paul slips in a little extra bit too...He talks about having the confidence that they have eternal life because God promised it before the world began. But he slides in there....oh yeah, by the way, He doesn't lie. LOVE IT!!!! I hate that we have to be reminded of that sometimes, but I am so happy that Paul took a moment to remind us again. I know for me if God makes me a promise, and He doesn't fulfill it right away, I assume that means it's not going to happen. We all know what assuming does, right? I always felt if it didn't happen in the way I wanted, or in the time I expected, it just wasn't going to happen at all. Well...
GOD DOESN'T LIE....EVER! It's not in His nature. It's sin, and He has no sin. I just have to be patient and trusting enough to know that He will stay true to His word, ALWAYS!
And there's a doozey in verse 3 too that I love!! Paul says "It is by the command of God our Savior that I have been entrusted with this work for Him." First of all, it's a command that I spread the word....but I love that he also says that God ENTRUSTED me with such important work too. Bottom line is someone's eternal life depends on me being willing to open my mouth and share what God has done in my life. That's all. I don't have to be a scholar, or an amazing writer, or a wonderful speaker...I just have to be me, and tell my story.

Now on to the main point....and it can be summed up in just a few can't just talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk. If I tell all my friends they have to follow Jesus and do what's right and turn away from sin.....but then I bad talk about my husband during lunch, or cuss like a sailor, or drive like a maniac and flip people the bird, or hang out at the bar Saturday night and miss church Sunday testimony is SHOT! They think if I supposedly "have Jesus" and still act like that, I don't look any different than them. So why would they want to change? WORDS ARE CHEAP! The world has to see something different in my walk, my voice, my tone, my attitude, my words, my demeanor.  If Jesus truly fills me, then it should be bubbling over in me so much that people can't help but see Him in me. Then they will want to see what all the fuss is about. Why is she so happy all the time? Why is she always talking about being blessed? Why does she always have a spring in her step and a smile on her face? Then when they ask me....I only have to say one word....JESUS!!! Actions ALWAYS speak louder than words ever could.

Titus 1:16 (NLT) "Such people claim they know God, but they deny Him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good."

even better version....
Titus 1:16 (MSG) "They say they know God, but their actions speak louder than their words. They're real creeps, disobedient good-for-nothings."

OUCH!! I don't want to be that kind of Christian. I want people to know me and my God because of who I am through Him, not just what I say I am.

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