Sunday, March 30, 2014

New Direction

I was politely reminded by a friend and my husband today that I need to still be writing. I have a blog idea brewing in my head, so here's a glimpse of my idea.  I want to take apart and decide how I feel about some of the typical religious sayings, statements, and phrases. Find out if they are biblical correct, and decide how they apply to life today.

Here are a couple of the ideas that I had so far....
God won't give me more than I can handle. it a building or the people?

I know who I am....but do I really?

I am chosen, I am free. (but do I live that way?)

I am healed. (even if I don't see it yet.)

To be salt and light in the world.

Being appointed to bear fruit.

These are just a few of the ideas running around in my head.  Here's where this direction is going to be a little different....I want to hear from you too. I want your ideas of things that you have always heard, but was never really sure what they meant.  Then, as I start to explore the ideas, I want to hear your feedback, I want to know what you think, whether you agree or disagree with me. This can be like an online bible study, interactive, a conversation. For the handful of people that actually read and interact, I thank you in advance. This is going to be fun!!!

First post coming soon....

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