Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A very funny side story....

I can't really remember where this story fits into the time line, but I thought of it today and had to share it just to prove that God really does have a crazy sense of humor.

A tidbit of needed info for this story to make sense....Dean was helping with the youth at our church, so he knew Tyler (who was about 12ish at the time) a little bit. He knew I was her mom, and knew some of my past, but admittedly not the whole story. Tyler had said he was there helping, but not much else about him.

Well Tyler was spending a week with a friend of our family, helping her with her son since she had surgery the week before. One night while she was there, I got a text from an 828 number that I didn't recognize. The first text said "I just want you to know that when Tyler starts to date, I volunteer to be her chaperon. I will go with them."

I had no idea who this text was from, so of course I said "well, who is this?" I got a one word response, "Dean." in the world did HE get my number? I was freaking out. (I will say this was in between the jean short story, and the VBS story somewhere) I decided to send Tyler a text in between, "did you give Dean my number?" She answered very innocently, "yes, why?"  OMG, what is wrong with that child, didn't she know he was a dork that wore jean shorts???

By this point, he had texted me again, telling me that she was crazy and funny, but that he would sit between them on a date, and keep things in order.  I am again texting Tyler asking her why in the world would she give DEAN my number. She says, "why? I didn't think you would care momma." WHAT...I was going to kill her when she got home.

Also, in between the texts from Dean, and the texts to Tyler...I was texting my girlfriend asking her what in the world to do. And what did she do.....just laughed at me!

Now I was lost at what to do he had my number, and could say whatever he wanted. How would I respond? Did I want to talk? Was I willing to give him a chance? I was in full freak out mode at this point.

Well after a couple of minutes of silence, Dean texted me again saying that he was kidding, and that Tyler had been a big help to them that week at the house. What? At his house? What in the world was he talking about?

Then I friend who's house Tyler was staying at... her husband's name was Dean too.

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