Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Don't look for your healing in the wrong place

This post will be pretty short and sweet and to the point, the title almost says it all....don't look for your healing in the wrong place (physical, mental, or emotional healings).

For a while I tried to get over everything by finding fulfillment in the court processes.  Trust me, that was a horrible idea! It is a LONG drawn out process, that will not make you happy in the end. I can't tell you how many times we ended up back in court...and only one time did I walk out with any satisfaction (that was when I got full custody of my beautiful girls).  I wanted justice though. I wanted to see him suffer the way I suffered. I wanted him to hurt too. But in the end I was given a choice, in order for the state of NC to "do" anything to him, he would have to stay local so they could monitor him going to anger management, or parole, or anything like that. He told the judge he wanted to move back to WV where his mom lived. The DA told me it was my decision, they could force him to stay here and require him to comply, or they could give him permission to move out of state and basically he would get away scott free. I didn't want to risk running into him at Walmart or Mcdonalds, so I told the DA I was ok with them giving him permission to go to WV. But in the end, it only caused me to feel more like the loser of the battle. I was scared, I was alone, and he got to just walk away from it all.

Here's the thing...I was looking to the wrong place for justice.

Romans 12:19 says "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to revenge, I will repay," says the Lord."

It took me a while to understand and truly take this to heart, but this is the key....even though my ex wasn't a believer, I knew that God would STILL take care of him on my behalf. IF I could let go of it, and let God. Thankfully I was able to do that. And where is my ex now....who knows! We haven't heard from him in over a year and a half now. He is missing out on the lives of 3 beautiful young girls, living at home with his mom at age 40 (last I heard), and has a warrant out from the state of NC for thousands of dollars in back child support. God handled the justice for me in HIS way, once I loosen my grip on it.

So that's my first BIG suggestion if you are in the same situation....don't think about revenge or justice or payback. That will not get you anything but more heartache. I promise you. Thank goodness, this was one place in the first half of the story that I trusted God. Seek out your healing and let God take care of the revenge.

Tomorrow I will write about some other (HORRIBLE!) places that I looked to for my healing before I finally ran into the arms of my loving Father!

Psalm 91:1-3(NLT) "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly diseases."

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