Friday, February 14, 2014

Roaring Like a Lion

That song "God's not Dead" has really just resonated in my spirit for a couple of weeks now. It could be because I blast it in my car every morning, but I really think it's because I am supposed to meditate on it for a while and then share it. I dropped a little bit of it on facebook the other day, but I just don't think I am done with it yet. So here it goes....

The line of that song is "God's not dead, He's surely alive. He's living on the inside roaring like a lion." At first I was like, yeah, that means I am big and powerful and strong. And I can conquer anything because I have a lion inside of me. But that's not all it is.  I started thinking about the circus, and those lions in the cage.  Even though they are trained and well behaved, you can see the roaring beast every now and then. For a moment they decide I don't want to listen to that trainer, I can do whatever I want, I am a lion for goodness sake. So they snap at the whip with their ferocious jaws, or swat at the trainer with their humongous paws, or go the opposite way that they asked. At the end of the day, no matter how tame or trained they are, they are still a caged lion. Just itching to get out, and do what they are supposed to do, what they were created to do.

That's what in going on inside of me. God's spirit is LIVING in there, as a caged lion, waiting to get out, waiting to do what I was created to do. But here's the extra part of the story....God is also a gentleman, He is not going to force his will on me or my life. I have to CHOOSE to do something.  Did you hear that? I have a CHOICE to make. I have to DECIDE that my life has purpose and meaning. I have to BELIEVE that He has made me to do His work. I have to AGREE with Him that I have a job to do for the kingdom. I have to CHOOSE to let that lion inside of my out of it's cage, because they world needs something that it has, and the only way the world will ever see it is if I choose to open my mouth and let Him out!

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