Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Right in the middle of my path...

I refused to believe that Dean was the match for me, no matter what that crazy dating site said. I wasn't having it.  But he kept popping up in my path, over and over again. I couldn't get away from it. He was liking my stuff on facebook, or commenting on my blogs, or running into me at church, or popping up again on that dog gone website. It was making me crazy! And of course my friends were still getting the giggles every day about it, picking on me, poking fun. I started to get to the point where I was thinking to myself...ok,
first, "my type" hadn't worked so well for me in the past, maybe I should date someone who I didn't think was my type.  And maybe he was showing up in my path all the time for a reason...so I decided that if he ever asked me out, I would say yes, just so I could say I at least gave it a shot. I didn't think it could EVER work, but I would at least give it a try.

So the story starts to unfold....
I needed a new cell phone, my first smart phone, but my plan wasn't up for an upgrade. So I decided to look for one on ebay, find a deal. I LOVE a good sale! Anyways, I bought one, awesome price, with all the extras. Once it arrived, I couldn't get it to activate. But this was the first night of vacation bible school at church, and I didn't have time to figure it out. I take off to the church to drop the kids off. (as an aside, this was during my "I am grouchy about church folk" phase. I wasn't going all the time, because I was not happy with the way the people were treating me. But I still wanted the kids involved.) Anyways, I took the kids to the church, get them signed in, and started whining about the phone situation with a couple of girls at church. Kaden (Dean's son) overheard me and said I should go ask his dad, he was pretty good at that kind of stuff. So I thought, here was my chance. I would take him my phone, and in my girlie flirty way say that I couldn't figure it out and ask for his help. Sounded like a plan to me. So I looked all around the church for him, ended up finding him in the parking lot. I took the phone to him, and explained that I couldn't get it to work, and wondered if he knew anything about this kind of stuff.  (Another aside, Dean is a computer genius. Now, he is my built in tech support for everything! Some people can just do math, some people can just spell...Dean can do everything with anything electronic.) But do you know what he said to me? You won't believe this! And I quote.... "well the verizon store is right up the street." Yes, you heard me right. He blew his chance to be the hero, and told me to go to the verizon store!

The rest of the week at bible school, he seemed to show up at about the same time as me every night. One night he picked on me for being too dressed up (I had just come from work), another night he picked on me for being a mess (I had time that night to go home and change into yoga pants and a t-shirt). I figured eventually he would realize that I wasn't staying, and would maybe suggest that we get some food while the kids were at church. His son and my oldest daughter were helping the teachers, and my little 2 girls were enrolled, so they were all busy for a few hours.  He made a point to talk to me every night, but never once seemed really interested.  One night I came in to get the girls and sat in on the closing ceremonies in the back row. Well when Dean came in, he made a beeline to come sit next to me, but then barely said a word. I didn't get it. The last night of vbs me, him, and a friend of mine sat outside on the sidewalk talking and laughing for like an hour. But he seemed to talk to her more than me, so I figured I was just wrong. I assumed that maybe I was mistaken thinking that he was being put into my path for a reason. At the graduation for VBS, we were all in the sanctuary singing all the kids songs from the week. My parents had come, so I was trying to mind my P's and Q's.  Well Dean kept trying to get me to dance around and do the motions for the song (flying like an airplane) I absolutely didn't want to. I had tried to get him to notice me all week to no avail, so I was done at this point.

Well, that Sunday morning at church my friend (who let me say was the same "friend" who giggled about jean shorts, picked on me for weeks, and sat outside with the 2 of us one night during VBS) she walked outside to where Dean was, walked right up to him and said "look, you need to be talking to Libby". And that was it, walked away.  Understand, she did it to get my goat! She came right inside to poke fun at me and started belly laughing! She just knew that I was going to die of embarrassment, and she was loving every minute of it.

But here's the thing...Dean says that was the day he was like...Really? Her? She might be interested in me? Now what do I do?

"You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You're blessed when you follow His directions, doing your best to find him.  That's right - you don't go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set." Psalm 119:1-3 (The Message)

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